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  1. Bernstein, Jay Hillel. ( 2015;), ‘ View of transdisciplinarity: A review of its origins, development and current issues. ’, Journal of Research Practice, 11:1, Article R1.
    [Google Scholar]
  2. Brandt, Patric,, Ernst, Anna,, Gralla, Fabienne,, Luederitz, Christopher,, Lang, Daniel J.,, Newig, Jens,, Reinert, Florian,, Abson, David J., and Wehrden, Henrik von. ( 2013;), ‘ A review of transdisciplinary research in sustainability science. ’, Ecological Economics, 92 (August), pp. 115.
    [Google Scholar]
  3. Capra, Fritjof, and Luisi, Pier Luigi. ( 2014), The Systems View of Life, Cambridge:: Cambridge University Press;.
  4. Cat, Jordi. ( 2017), ‘ The unity of science. ’, in E. N. Zalta. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Fall ed., Accessed 17 November 2019.
    [Google Scholar]
  5. Christens, Brian, and Perkins, Douglas D.. ( 2008;), ‘ Transdisciplinary, multilevel action research to enhance ecological and psychopolitical validity. ’, Journal of Community Psychology, 36:2, pp. 21431.
    [Google Scholar]
  6. Clark, Sarah E., Magrane, Eric, Baumgartner, Thomas, Bennett, Scott E. K., Bogan, Michael, Edwards, Taylor, Dimmitt, Mark A., Green, Heather, Hedgcock, Charles, Johnson, Benjamin M., Johnson, Maria R., Velo, Kathleen and Wilder, Benjamin T. (2020), ‘6&6: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Art–Science Collaboration’, BioScience, 70:9, September, pp. 821–829.
  7. Coseru, Christian. ( 2014;), ‘ The Bodhisattva’s brain: Owen Flanagan meets critics. ’, Zygon®, 49:1, pp. 20819.
    [Google Scholar]
  8. Craig, Robert T., and Tracy, Karen. ( 2014;), ‘ Building grounded practical theory in applied communication research: Introduction to the special issue. ’, Journal of Applied Communication Research, 42:3, pp. 22943.
    [Google Scholar]
  9. Dewey, John. ([ 1940] 2008), ‘ Time and individuality. ’, in The Later Works, 1925–1953, vol. 14, Carbondale, IL:: Southern Illinois University Press;. [First published in 1940 in Time and Its Mysteries, series 2, New York:: New York University Press;, pp. 85109, from a lecture given on the James Arthur Foundation at New York University on 21 April 1938.]
    [Google Scholar]
  10. ——— ([ 1948] 2008), ‘ William James’ morals and Julien Benda’s: It is not pragmatism that is opportunist. ’, in The Later Works, 1925–1953, vol. 15, Carbondale, IL:: Southern Illinois University Press;. [First published in 1948 in Commentary, 5, pp. 46–50. For Benda’s article, to which this is a reply, see Benda, Julien (1947), ‘The attack on western morality’, Commentary, 4 (November), pp. 416–22 (print ed., appendix 1).]
    [Google Scholar]
  11. disciplinary, adj. and n.’ ( 2019), OED Online, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Accessed 13 September 2019.
  12. Flanagan, Owen. ( 2009), The Really Hard Problem: Meaning in a Material World, Cambridge, MA:: MIT Press;.
  13. Grosz, Elisabeth A.. ( 2008), Chaos, Territory, Art: Deleuze and the Framing of the Earth, New York:: Columbia University Press;.
  14. Harvard TREC (Transdisciplinary Research in Energetics and Cancer) Center ( 2020;), ‘ Definitions. ’, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health;, Accessed 7 April 2020.
    [Google Scholar]
  15. Horn, Eva. ( 2007;), ‘ Editor’s introduction: “There are no media. ”’, Grey Room, 29, pp. 7–13.
    [Google Scholar]
  16. interdisciplinary, adj.’ ( 2019), OED Online, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Accessed 13 September 2019.
  17. Johnson, Mark. ( 2018), ‘ Mind, metaphor, law. ’, in The Aesthetics of Meaning and Thought: The Bodily Roots of Philosophy, Science, Morality, and Art, Chicago: University of Chicago Press;. [First published in Mercer Law Review, 58:3 ( 2007), pp. 84568.]
    [Google Scholar]
  18. Judge, Anthony. ( 1991), ‘Metaphors as transdisciplinary vehicles of the future’, Science and Tradition: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on the Way to the 21st Century, conference organized with UNESCO by the Union des Ingenieurs et des Techniciens utilisant la Langue Francaise, Paris, December, Accessed 14 April 2020. [Also appeared in Cazenave, Michel and Nicolescu, Basarab (eds) (1994), L’homme, la Science et la Nature: Regards Transdisciplinaires, Aix-en-Provence: Éditions Le Mail, pp. 168–204.]
  19. ——— ( 2006;), ‘ Experimental challenge of cognitive fusion for ITER-8. ’, in Enactivating a Cognitive Fusion Reactor: Imaginal Transformation of Energy Resourcing (ITER-8);, Accessed 16 October 2019.
    [Google Scholar]
  20. Lakoff, George. ( 1995), ‘ The neurocognitive self: Conceptual system research in the twenty-first century and the rethinking of what a person is. ’, in D. Massaro, and R. Solso. (eds), The Science of the Mind: 2001 and Beyond, Oxford:: Oxford University Press;, pp. 22143.
    [Google Scholar]
  21. Leavy, Patricia. ( 2016), Essentials of Transdisciplinary Research: Using Problem-Centered Methodologies, New York:: Routledge;.
  22. Lindman, Pia. ( 2014), ‘ Learning from Mould’. , in L. B. Larsen (ed.)., Networks, Whitechapel Documents of Contemporary Art, Cambridge, MA:: Whitechapel Gallery and MIT Press;.
    [Google Scholar]
  23. McLuhan, Marshall ([1964] 2003), Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, Critical Edition (ed. T. W. Gordon), Corte Madera, CA: Gingko Press. ;.
  24. ——— ([1967] 2014), ‘4: The hot and cool interview’, in M. Moos (ed.), Media Research: Technology, Art and Communication: Critical Voices in Art, Theory and Culture, New York: Routledge.
  25. Michel, Jean-Baptiste,, Shen, Yuan Kui,, Aiden, Aviva Presser,, Veres, Adrian,, Gray, Matthew K.., Google Books Team, Pickett, Joseph P.,, Hoiberg, Dale,, Clancy, Dan,, Norvig, Peter,, Orwant, Jon,, Pinker, Steven,, Nowak, Martin A., and Aiden, Erez Lieberman. ( 2011;), ‘ Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books. ’, Science, 331:6014, pp. 17682.
    [Google Scholar]
  26. National Research Council ( 2014), Convergence: Facilitating Transdisciplinary Integration of Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Engineering, and Beyond, Washington, DC: National Academies Press;.
  27. Osborne, Peter. ( 2015;), ‘ Problematizing disciplinarity, transdisciplinary problematic. ’, Theory, Culture & Society, 32:5–6, pp. 335.
    [Google Scholar]
  28. Sandford, Stella. ( 2015;), ‘ Contradiction of terms: Feminist theory, philosophy and transdisciplinarity. ’, Theory, Culture & Society, 32:5–6, pp. 15982.
    [Google Scholar]
  29. Schiller, Herbert I.. ( 1973), The Mind Managers, Boston, MA:: Beacon Press;.
  30. Stokols, Daniel. ( 2006;), ‘ Toward a science of transdisciplinary action research. ’, American Journal of Community Psychology, 38:1–2, pp. 7993.
    [Google Scholar]
  31. Stokstad, Erik. ( 2019;), ‘ Connecting fragmented pieces of habitat can help endangered species recover. ’, Science, 26 September, Accessed 27 December 2019.
    [Google Scholar]
  32. Toomey, Anne H.,, Markusson, Nils,, Adams, Emily, and Brockett, Beth. ( 2015), ‘Inter-and trans-disciplinary research: A critical perspective’, UN Global Sustainable Development Report 2015 crowdsourced brief, Accessed 27 December 2019.


  1. Bernstein, Jay Hillel. ( 2015;), ‘ View of transdisciplinarity: A review of its origins, development and current issues. ’, Journal of Research Practice, 11:1, Article R1.
    [Google Scholar]
  2. Brandt, Patric,, Ernst, Anna,, Gralla, Fabienne,, Luederitz, Christopher,, Lang, Daniel J.,, Newig, Jens,, Reinert, Florian,, Abson, David J., and Wehrden, Henrik von. ( 2013;), ‘ A review of transdisciplinary research in sustainability science. ’, Ecological Economics, 92 (August), pp. 115.
    [Google Scholar]
  3. Capra, Fritjof, and Luisi, Pier Luigi. ( 2014), The Systems View of Life, Cambridge:: Cambridge University Press;.
  4. Cat, Jordi. ( 2017), ‘ The unity of science. ’, in E. N. Zalta. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Fall ed., Accessed 17 November 2019.
    [Google Scholar]
  5. Christens, Brian, and Perkins, Douglas D.. ( 2008;), ‘ Transdisciplinary, multilevel action research to enhance ecological and psychopolitical validity. ’, Journal of Community Psychology, 36:2, pp. 21431.
    [Google Scholar]
  6. Clark, Sarah E., Magrane, Eric, Baumgartner, Thomas, Bennett, Scott E. K., Bogan, Michael, Edwards, Taylor, Dimmitt, Mark A., Green, Heather, Hedgcock, Charles, Johnson, Benjamin M., Johnson, Maria R., Velo, Kathleen and Wilder, Benjamin T. (2020), ‘6&6: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Art–Science Collaboration’, BioScience, 70:9, September, pp. 821–829.
  7. Coseru, Christian. ( 2014;), ‘ The Bodhisattva’s brain: Owen Flanagan meets critics. ’, Zygon®, 49:1, pp. 20819.
    [Google Scholar]
  8. Craig, Robert T., and Tracy, Karen. ( 2014;), ‘ Building grounded practical theory in applied communication research: Introduction to the special issue. ’, Journal of Applied Communication Research, 42:3, pp. 22943.
    [Google Scholar]
  9. Dewey, John. ([ 1940] 2008), ‘ Time and individuality. ’, in The Later Works, 1925–1953, vol. 14, Carbondale, IL:: Southern Illinois University Press;. [First published in 1940 in Time and Its Mysteries, series 2, New York:: New York University Press;, pp. 85109, from a lecture given on the James Arthur Foundation at New York University on 21 April 1938.]
    [Google Scholar]
  10. ——— ([ 1948] 2008), ‘ William James’ morals and Julien Benda’s: It is not pragmatism that is opportunist. ’, in The Later Works, 1925–1953, vol. 15, Carbondale, IL:: Southern Illinois University Press;. [First published in 1948 in Commentary, 5, pp. 46–50. For Benda’s article, to which this is a reply, see Benda, Julien (1947), ‘The attack on western morality’, Commentary, 4 (November), pp. 416–22 (print ed., appendix 1).]
    [Google Scholar]
  11. disciplinary, adj. and n.’ ( 2019), OED Online, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Accessed 13 September 2019.
  12. Flanagan, Owen. ( 2009), The Really Hard Problem: Meaning in a Material World, Cambridge, MA:: MIT Press;.
  13. Grosz, Elisabeth A.. ( 2008), Chaos, Territory, Art: Deleuze and the Framing of the Earth, New York:: Columbia University Press;.
  14. Harvard TREC (Transdisciplinary Research in Energetics and Cancer) Center ( 2020;), ‘ Definitions. ’, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health;, Accessed 7 April 2020.
    [Google Scholar]
  15. Horn, Eva. ( 2007;), ‘ Editor’s introduction: “There are no media. ”’, Grey Room, 29, pp. 7–13.
    [Google Scholar]
  16. interdisciplinary, adj.’ ( 2019), OED Online, Oxford: Oxford University Press, Accessed 13 September 2019.
  17. Johnson, Mark. ( 2018), ‘ Mind, metaphor, law. ’, in The Aesthetics of Meaning and Thought: The Bodily Roots of Philosophy, Science, Morality, and Art, Chicago: University of Chicago Press;. [First published in Mercer Law Review, 58:3 ( 2007), pp. 84568.]
    [Google Scholar]
  18. Judge, Anthony. ( 1991), ‘Metaphors as transdisciplinary vehicles of the future’, Science and Tradition: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on the Way to the 21st Century, conference organized with UNESCO by the Union des Ingenieurs et des Techniciens utilisant la Langue Francaise, Paris, December, Accessed 14 April 2020. [Also appeared in Cazenave, Michel and Nicolescu, Basarab (eds) (1994), L’homme, la Science et la Nature: Regards Transdisciplinaires, Aix-en-Provence: Éditions Le Mail, pp. 168–204.]
  19. ——— ( 2006;), ‘ Experimental challenge of cognitive fusion for ITER-8. ’, in Enactivating a Cognitive Fusion Reactor: Imaginal Transformation of Energy Resourcing (ITER-8);, Accessed 16 October 2019.
    [Google Scholar]
  20. Lakoff, George. ( 1995), ‘ The neurocognitive self: Conceptual system research in the twenty-first century and the rethinking of what a person is. ’, in D. Massaro, and R. Solso. (eds), The Science of the Mind: 2001 and Beyond, Oxford:: Oxford University Press;, pp. 22143.
    [Google Scholar]
  21. Leavy, Patricia. ( 2016), Essentials of Transdisciplinary Research: Using Problem-Centered Methodologies, New York:: Routledge;.
  22. Lindman, Pia. ( 2014), ‘ Learning from Mould’. , in L. B. Larsen (ed.)., Networks, Whitechapel Documents of Contemporary Art, Cambridge, MA:: Whitechapel Gallery and MIT Press;.
    [Google Scholar]
  23. McLuhan, Marshall ([1964] 2003), Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man, Critical Edition (ed. T. W. Gordon), Corte Madera, CA: Gingko Press. ;.
  24. ——— ([1967] 2014), ‘4: The hot and cool interview’, in M. Moos (ed.), Media Research: Technology, Art and Communication: Critical Voices in Art, Theory and Culture, New York: Routledge.
  25. Michel, Jean-Baptiste,, Shen, Yuan Kui,, Aiden, Aviva Presser,, Veres, Adrian,, Gray, Matthew K.., Google Books Team, Pickett, Joseph P.,, Hoiberg, Dale,, Clancy, Dan,, Norvig, Peter,, Orwant, Jon,, Pinker, Steven,, Nowak, Martin A., and Aiden, Erez Lieberman. ( 2011;), ‘ Quantitative analysis of culture using millions of digitized books. ’, Science, 331:6014, pp. 17682.
    [Google Scholar]
  26. National Research Council ( 2014), Convergence: Facilitating Transdisciplinary Integration of Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Engineering, and Beyond, Washington, DC: National Academies Press;.
  27. Osborne, Peter. ( 2015;), ‘ Problematizing disciplinarity, transdisciplinary problematic. ’, Theory, Culture & Society, 32:5–6, pp. 335.
    [Google Scholar]
  28. Sandford, Stella. ( 2015;), ‘ Contradiction of terms: Feminist theory, philosophy and transdisciplinarity. ’, Theory, Culture & Society, 32:5–6, pp. 15982.
    [Google Scholar]
  29. Schiller, Herbert I.. ( 1973), The Mind Managers, Boston, MA:: Beacon Press;.
  30. Stokols, Daniel. ( 2006;), ‘ Toward a science of transdisciplinary action research. ’, American Journal of Community Psychology, 38:1–2, pp. 7993.
    [Google Scholar]
  31. Stokstad, Erik. ( 2019;), ‘ Connecting fragmented pieces of habitat can help endangered species recover. ’, Science, 26 September, Accessed 27 December 2019.
    [Google Scholar]
  32. Toomey, Anne H.,, Markusson, Nils,, Adams, Emily, and Brockett, Beth. ( 2015), ‘Inter-and trans-disciplinary research: A critical perspective’, UN Global Sustainable Development Report 2015 crowdsourced brief, Accessed 27 December 2019.
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