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Tracing Yugoslavia: The Use of Narrative Time and Narrative Space to Re-Vision a Disappeared (Memory-Site)

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  1. Baron, J. . ( 2014). The archive effect: Found footage and the audiovisual experience of history. Routledge;.
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  2. Benelli, D. . ( 1986;). History, narrative, and ‘Innocence Unprotected’. . SubStance. Issue 51: Recent film theory in Europe, 15 (3), 2035.
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  4. Boym, S. . ( 2001). The future of nostalgia. Basic Books;.
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  6. Delage, C. . ( 1995). Temps de l'histoire temps du cinéma. Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire, No. 46: Numéro spécial: Cinéma, le temps de l'Histoire (pp. 25–35).
  7. Didi-Huberman, G. . ( 1995). Le lieu malgré tout. Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire, No. 46: Numéro spécial: Cinéma, le temps de l'Histoire (pp. 36–44).174
  8. Didi-Huberman, G. . ( 2004). Images malgré tout. Minuit;.
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  9. Ernst, W. . ( 1983;, July). DIStory: Cinema and historical discourse. . Journal of Contemporary History, Historians and Movies: The State of the Art: Part 1, 18 (3), 397409.
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  14. Pensky, M. . ( 2011;). Three kinds of ruin: Heidegger, Benjamin, Sebald. . Poligrafi, 12 (61/62), 6589.
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  15. Petrović, T. . ( 2012). Yuropa: Yugoslav legacy and politics of the future in post-Yugoslav societies. Fabrika knjiga;.
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  16. Ricoeur, P. . ( 1980;). Narrative time. . Critical Inquiry, 7 (1), 169190.
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  17. Ricoeur, P. . ( 1988). Time and narrative. University of Chicago Press;.
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  18. Stam, R. ,, Burgoyne, R., , & Flitterman-Lewis, S. . ( 1992). New vocabularies in film semiotics: Structuralism, post-structuralism and beyond. Routledge;.
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  19. Walker, J. . ( 2010;). Moving testimonies and the geography of suffering: Perils and fantasies of belonging after Katrina. . Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies, 24 (1), 4764.
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