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Refugee Filmmaking: Finding Agency through the Lens

Technological advances in audio-visual means of communication have resulted in a democratisation of “cinema”. Now it has become possible for anyone with as little as just a smartphone to shoot, edit and distribute films. Among all of these previously “voiceless” peoples, refugees have made particularly eye-opening films. This chapter draws on such grassroots works to show how refugees have found agency in their filmmaking and how this filmmaking is part of their collective struggle for a better life. The author connects these works with his own experience as a political refugee from Iran making first-person narrative documentaries during his journey and immediately after arriving in the UK.

Keywords: Accented Cinema ; Activist Filmmaking ; Diasporic Cinema ; Diasporic Filmmaking ; Digital Cinema ; Digital Filmmaking ; Exilic Cinema ; Exilic Filmmaking ; Imperfect Cinema ; Kurdish Cinema ; Low-Budget Filmmaking ; Low-Resolution Footage ; Non-Cinema

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  1. Abbasian, K. . (Director). ( 2009). The exile [Film].
  2. Abbasian, K. . (Director). ( 2011). Last summer in Europe [Film].
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  10. Guzmán, P. . (Director). ( 1975–79). The battle of Chile [Film]. Miramax.
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  13. Güney, Y. ,, Gören, Ş . (Director). ( 1982). The road [Film]. Güney Film, Cactus Film.
  14. Ibesh, J. . (Director). ( 2016). Selfie [Film].
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  19. Weiwei, A. . (Director). ( 2017). Human flow [Film]. AC Films, Participant Media.
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  1. Abbasian, K. . (Director). ( 2009). The exile [Film].
  2. Abbasian, K. . (Director). ( 2011). Last summer in Europe [Film].
  3. Abbasian, K. . (Director). ( 2022). Triumph [Film].
  4. Benjamin, W. . ( 2008). The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction. Penguin;.
    [Google Scholar]
  5. Boochani, B. ,, & Sarvestani, A. K. . (Director). ( 2017;). . Chauka, please tell us the time [Film].
  6. Brown, W. . ( 2018). None-cinema: Global digital cinema and the multitude . Bloomsbury Publishing;.
    [Google Scholar]
  7. Espinosa, J. G. . ( 1979;). For an imperfect cinema. . Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media, 20 , 2426.
    [Google Scholar]
  8. Fanon, F. . ( 2004). The wretched of the earth. 1961. (Trans. Richard Philcox.) Grove Press 6.
  9. Ghobadi, B. . (Director). ( 2000). A time for drunken horses [Film]. Bahman Ghobadi Films.
  10. Guzmán, P. . (Director). ( 1975–79). The battle of Chile [Film]. Miramax.
  11. Guzmán, P. . (Director). ( 1997). Chile, obstinate memory [Film]. National Film Board of Canada, La Sept-Arte, Les Films d'Ici.
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  12. Guzmán, P. . ( 2015). What I owe to Chris Marker. British Film Institute.
  13. Güney, Y. ,, Gören, Ş . (Director). ( 1982). The road [Film]. Güney Film, Cactus Film.
  14. Ibesh, J. . (Director). ( 2016). Selfie [Film].
  15. Naficy, H. . ( 2001). An accented cinema: Exilic and diasporic filmmaking. Princeton University Press;.
    [Google Scholar]
  16. Phillips, J. . ( 2012, September 4). The ‘Pacific Solution’ revisited: A statistical guide to the asylum seeker caseloads on Nauru and Manus Island. Parliament of Australia.
  17. Qurbani, S. . (Director). ( 2018). Homage to Kobane [Film].
  18. Steyerl, H. . ( 2012). In defence of the poor image. . In The Wretched of the Screen (pp. 3145). Sternberg Press;.
    [Google Scholar]
  19. Weiwei, A. . (Director). ( 2017). Human flow [Film]. AC Films, Participant Media.
  20. Zin, H. . (Director). ( 2016). Born in Syria [Film]. La Claqueta, Contramedia Films, Doc Land Films, Final Cut for Real.
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