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oa BeiNg Helpful: An Autoethnographic Account of Trying and Its Companions

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  3. Anjum, Rani L. (2020), ‘Dispositions and the unique patient’, in R. L. Anjum, S. Copeland and E. Rocca (eds), Rethinking Causality, Complexity and Evidence for the Unique Patient, Cham: Springer Open, pp. 1336,
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  6. Bertelsen, Bård and Bøe, Tore D. (2016), ‘“He is quirky; He is the world's greatest psychologist”: On the community of those who have nothing in common’, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 37, pp. 36780.
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  11. Bøe, Tore D., Kristoffersen, Kjell, Lidbom, Per A., Lindvig, Gunnhild R., Seikkula, Jaakko, Ulland, Dagfinn and Zachariassen, Karianne (2014), ‘“She offered me a place and a future”: Change is an event of becoming through movement in ethical time and space’, Contemporary Family Therapy, 36:4, pp. 47484.
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  12. Bøe, Tore D., Kristoffersen, Kjell, Lidbom, Per A., Lindvig, Gunnhild R., Seikkula, Jaakko, Ulland, Dagfinn and Zachariassen, Karianne (2015), ‘“Through speaking, he finds himself… a bit”: Dialogues open for moving and living through inviting attentiveness, expressive vitality and new meaning’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 36, pp. 16787.128
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  15. Grant, Alec J. and Radcliffe, Mark A. C. (2015), ‘Resisting technical rationality in mental health nurse higher education: A duoethnography’, Qualitative Report, 20:6, pp. 81525,
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  16. Kennair, Leif E. O., Aarre, Trond F., Kennair, Tonje W. and Bugge, Petter (2002), ‘Evidence-based mental health: The scientific foundation of clinical psychology and psychiatry’, Scipolicy – Journal of Science and Health Policy, 2, Accessed 1 September 2023.
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  17. Kerry, Roger, Eriksen, Thore E., Noer, Svein A., Mumford, Stephen D. and Anjum, Rani L. (2012), ‘Causation and evidence-based practice: An ontological review’, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 18, pp. 100612.
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  23. McLeod, John (2018), Pluralistic Therapy: Distinctive Features, London and New York: Routledge.
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  24. Miller, Scott D., Hubble, Mark A. and Chow, Daryl (2018), ‘The question of expertise in psychotherapy’, Journal of Expertise, 1:2, pp. 19.
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  25. Moi, Toril (2017), Revolution of the Ordinary: Literary Studies after Wittgenstein, Austin, and Cavell, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.
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  26. Mumford, Stephen and Anjum, Rani L. (2014), Getting Causes from Powers, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  27. Nissen-Lie, Helene, Monsen, Jon T. and Rønnestad, Michael H. (2010), ‘Therapist predictors of early patient-rated working alliance: A multilevel approach’, Psychotherapy Research, 20:6, pp. 62746.
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  28. Norcross, John C. and Wampold, Bruce E. (2018), ‘A new theory for each patient: Evidence-based relationships and responsiveness’, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74, pp. 1889906.129
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  29. Roberts, Marc (2005), ‘Time, human being and mental health care: An introduction to Gilles Deleuze’, Nursing Philosophy, 6, pp. 16173.
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  30. Shotter, John (2010), Social Construction on the Edge: ‘Withness’ – Thinking and Embodiment, Chagrin Falls: Taos Institute Publications.
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  31. Skatvedt, A. (2021), Bedringens sosiologi: Om potensialet i hverdagslig samhandling, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
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  32. Smedslund, Jan (2012), ‘The bricoleur model of psychological practice’, Theory & Psychology, 22:5, pp. 64357.
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  34. Stern, Daniel N. (2004), The Present Moment in Psychotherapy and Everyday Life, New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
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  35. Sundet, Rolf (2021), ‘A just assemblage in mental health services – The necessity of and possibilities for service diversity’, Frontiers in Psychology, 12,
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  36. Topor, Alain, Bøe, Tore D. and Larsen, Inger B. (2018), ‘Small things, micro-affirmations and helpful professionals’ everyday recovery-oriented practices according to persons with mental health problems’, Community Mental Health Journal, 54:8, pp. 121220,
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  37. Wampold, Bruce E. and Imel, Zac E. (2015), The Great Psychotherapy Debate: The Evidence for What Makes Psychotherapy Work, New York: Routledge.
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  38. Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1958), The Blue and Brown Books: Preliminary Studies for the ‘Philosophy Investigations’, New York: Harper Torchbooks.
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  1. Alvesson, Mats (2003), ‘Methodology for close up studies – Struggling with closeness and closure’, Higher Education, 46:2, pp. 16793,
    [Google Scholar]
  2. Anjum, Rani L. (2016), ‘Evidence-based or person-centered? An ontological debate’, European Journal for Person-Centered Healthcare, 4:2, pp. 42129.
    [Google Scholar]
  3. Anjum, Rani L. (2020), ‘Dispositions and the unique patient’, in R. L. Anjum, S. Copeland and E. Rocca (eds), Rethinking Causality, Complexity and Evidence for the Unique Patient, Cham: Springer Open, pp. 1336,
    [Google Scholar]
  4. Arendt, Hannah (1998), The Human Condition, 2nd ed., Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  5. Bateson, Gregory (1973), Steps to an Ecology of Mind: Collected Essays in Anthropology, Psychiatry, Evolution and Epistemology, St. Albans: Paladin.
    [Google Scholar]
  6. Bertelsen, Bård and Bøe, Tore D. (2016), ‘“He is quirky; He is the world's greatest psychologist”: On the community of those who have nothing in common’, Australian & New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 37, pp. 36780.
    [Google Scholar]
  7. Biesta, Gert (2013), The Beautiful Risk of Education, London and New York: Routledge.
    [Google Scholar]
  8. Biesta, Gert (2020), Educational Research. An Unorthodox Introduction, London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    [Google Scholar]
  9. Biesta, Gert (2022), World-Centred Education: A View for the Present, New York and London: Routledge.
    [Google Scholar]
  10. Bøe, Tore D. (2021), ‘Ethical realism before social constructionism’, Theory & Psychology, 31:2, pp. 22036.
    [Google Scholar]
  11. Bøe, Tore D., Kristoffersen, Kjell, Lidbom, Per A., Lindvig, Gunnhild R., Seikkula, Jaakko, Ulland, Dagfinn and Zachariassen, Karianne (2014), ‘“She offered me a place and a future”: Change is an event of becoming through movement in ethical time and space’, Contemporary Family Therapy, 36:4, pp. 47484.
    [Google Scholar]
  12. Bøe, Tore D., Kristoffersen, Kjell, Lidbom, Per A., Lindvig, Gunnhild R., Seikkula, Jaakko, Ulland, Dagfinn and Zachariassen, Karianne (2015), ‘“Through speaking, he finds himself… a bit”: Dialogues open for moving and living through inviting attentiveness, expressive vitality and new meaning’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 36, pp. 16787.128
    [Google Scholar]
  13. Deleuze, Gilles (1994), Difference and Repetition, London: The Athlone Press.
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  14. Duncan, Barry L. and Miller, Scott D. (2000), The Heroic Client: Doing Client-Directed, Outcome-Informed Therapy, San Francisco: Jossey Bass.
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  15. Grant, Alec J. and Radcliffe, Mark A. C. (2015), ‘Resisting technical rationality in mental health nurse higher education: A duoethnography’, Qualitative Report, 20:6, pp. 81525,
    [Google Scholar]
  16. Kennair, Leif E. O., Aarre, Trond F., Kennair, Tonje W. and Bugge, Petter (2002), ‘Evidence-based mental health: The scientific foundation of clinical psychology and psychiatry’, Scipolicy – Journal of Science and Health Policy, 2, Accessed 1 September 2023.
    [Google Scholar]
  17. Kerry, Roger, Eriksen, Thore E., Noer, Svein A., Mumford, Stephen D. and Anjum, Rani L. (2012), ‘Causation and evidence-based practice: An ontological review’, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 18, pp. 100612.
    [Google Scholar]
  18. Levinas, Emmanuel (1996), Basic Philosophical Writings, Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
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  19. Levinas, Emmanuel (2006), Entre Nous: Thinking-of-the-Other, London and New York: Continuum.
    [Google Scholar]
  20. Lingis, Alphonso (2007), The First Person Singular, Evanston: Northwestern University Press.
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  21. Maturana, Humberto (1988), ‘Reality: The search for objectivity or the quest for a compelling argument’, The Irish Journal of Psychology, 9:1, pp. 2582.
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  22. McLeod, John (2011), Qualitative Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy, London: Sage.
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  23. McLeod, John (2018), Pluralistic Therapy: Distinctive Features, London and New York: Routledge.
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  24. Miller, Scott D., Hubble, Mark A. and Chow, Daryl (2018), ‘The question of expertise in psychotherapy’, Journal of Expertise, 1:2, pp. 19.
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  25. Moi, Toril (2017), Revolution of the Ordinary: Literary Studies after Wittgenstein, Austin, and Cavell, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  26. Mumford, Stephen and Anjum, Rani L. (2014), Getting Causes from Powers, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    [Google Scholar]
  27. Nissen-Lie, Helene, Monsen, Jon T. and Rønnestad, Michael H. (2010), ‘Therapist predictors of early patient-rated working alliance: A multilevel approach’, Psychotherapy Research, 20:6, pp. 62746.
    [Google Scholar]
  28. Norcross, John C. and Wampold, Bruce E. (2018), ‘A new theory for each patient: Evidence-based relationships and responsiveness’, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74, pp. 1889906.129
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  29. Roberts, Marc (2005), ‘Time, human being and mental health care: An introduction to Gilles Deleuze’, Nursing Philosophy, 6, pp. 16173.
    [Google Scholar]
  30. Shotter, John (2010), Social Construction on the Edge: ‘Withness’ – Thinking and Embodiment, Chagrin Falls: Taos Institute Publications.
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  31. Skatvedt, A. (2021), Bedringens sosiologi: Om potensialet i hverdagslig samhandling, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
    [Google Scholar]
  32. Smedslund, Jan (2012), ‘The bricoleur model of psychological practice’, Theory & Psychology, 22:5, pp. 64357.
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  33. Spencer-Brown, George (1979), Laws of Form, New York: E. P. Dutton.
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  34. Stern, Daniel N. (2004), The Present Moment in Psychotherapy and Everyday Life, New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
    [Google Scholar]
  35. Sundet, Rolf (2021), ‘A just assemblage in mental health services – The necessity of and possibilities for service diversity’, Frontiers in Psychology, 12,
    [Google Scholar]
  36. Topor, Alain, Bøe, Tore D. and Larsen, Inger B. (2018), ‘Small things, micro-affirmations and helpful professionals’ everyday recovery-oriented practices according to persons with mental health problems’, Community Mental Health Journal, 54:8, pp. 121220,
    [Google Scholar]
  37. Wampold, Bruce E. and Imel, Zac E. (2015), The Great Psychotherapy Debate: The Evidence for What Makes Psychotherapy Work, New York: Routledge.
    [Google Scholar]
  38. Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1958), The Blue and Brown Books: Preliminary Studies for the ‘Philosophy Investigations’, New York: Harper Torchbooks.
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