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oa What Might Keep a Teacher Going? Reflections on Meaning and Persistence in the Life of Teachers

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  1. Biesta, Gert J. J. (2006), Beyond Learning: Democratic Education for a Human Future, Boulder and London: Paradigm Publishers.
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  2. Biesta, Gert J. J. (2010), Good Education in an Age of Measurement, Boulder and London: Paradigm Publishers.
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  3. Buber, Martin (1963), Menneskets vej efter den chassidiske lære, Oslo: Aschehoug.
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  4. Buber, Martin (1978), Between Man and Man, New York: Macmillan Publishing.
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  5. Courtney, Steven J. (2017), ‘Corporatizing school leadership through hysteresis’, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 38:7, pp. 105467.
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  6. Frankl, Viktor E. ([1959] 2006), Man's Search for Meaning, Boston: Beacon Press.
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  7. Goodson, Ivor, Moore, Shawn and Hargreaves, Andy (2006), ‘Teacher nostalgia and the sustainability of reform: The generation and degeneration of teachers’ missions, memory, and meaning’, Educational Administration Quarterly, 42:1, pp. 4261.148
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  8. Halvorsen, Henrik (1999), Hundre år på lag med lærerutdanningen 1899–1999, Notodden: Forskerforbundets Forening for Lærerutdanning.
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  9. Kvernbekk, Tone (2021), ‘Det pedagogisk kritiske: Et mangslungent landskap’, Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk, 7, pp. 4355.
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  10. Levin, Mona (2008), ‘Og du skal fortelle dine barn’, Kirke og kultur, 113:6, pp. 494503.
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  11. Løvlie, Lars (2021), Politisering og pedagogisk motstand: Veien til en barneorientert praksis, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
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  15. Taylor, Charles (1989), Sources of the Self: The Making of the Modern Identity, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
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  16. Telhaug, Alfred Oftedal, Mediås, Odd Asbjørn and Aasen, Petter (2004), ‘From collectivism to individualism? Education as nation building in a Scandinavian perspective’, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 48:2, pp. 14458.
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