Browse Books

European Media Governance
The Brussels Dimension
Media Governance today is shifting media rules and regulations from national government policies to local regional national multinational and international ones and away from exclusively governmental domains to others such as market professional and public interest/pressure groups. Many media-related civil society organisations are based in Brussels operate at a European level and influence exactly the part of Media Governance that has escaped the national shackles of the member states. But which are those organizations and who do they represent? Which are the relevant EU regulations for the different media industries that they try to influence? How do they participate in the media related debates in the different EU institutions? What are their major position papers? What is the current state of affairs in the European Media Governance relevant to their industry and what are the future issues that they are trying to tackle early enough at a European level? Finally how are their lobbying efforts coordinated with other political professional and public interest groups?
This book presents the work of ten of these European organizations from a variety of media sectors as well as the relevant work of the European Commission the European Parliament and the European Consumers Association.

The Exciting Life of Being a Woman
The Exciting Life of Being a Woman is the feminist survival manual you wish you had read as a teenager. It is written by Feminist Webs a cross-generational youth project for girls and young women based in Manchester UK. Drawing on the history practices and activities of Feminist Webbers The Exciting Life of Being a Woman provides inspiration for women of all ages to live their life in creative and empowered ways. It includes illustrations comics youth work activities personal writing and much more.

Engendering Interaction with Images
No longer passive spectators of images these days we are more likely to be active participants in their production distribution and consumption—which raises important questions about the consequences of widespread user interaction on meaning communicative effectiveness and society at large. In this groundbreaking book communication expert Audrey Grace Bennett argues that engendering interaction with images actually improves their effectiveness by enabling images to convey meanings effectively across cultures. At the cutting edge of the visual and communicative arts this book represents a welcome challenge to the way we think about how images convey meaning.

Europe and Love in Cinema

Europe in Black and White
Immigration, Race, and Identity in the ‘Old Continent'
The essays in Europe in Black and White offer new critical perspectives on race immigration and identity on the Old Continent. In reconsidering the various forms of encounters with difference such as multiculturalism and hybridity the contributors address a number of issues including the cartography of postcolonial Europe its relation to the production of "difference" and "race" and national and identity politics and their dependence on linguistic practices inherited from imperial times. Featuring scholars from a wide variety of nationalities and disciplinary areas this collection will speak to an equally wide readership.

European Journalism Education
This book is the first comprehensive directory of the journalism education and training offered in thirty-three European countries. The volume organized by country discusses the history of journalism education and includes an analysis of all the current university programs and training provided by private media and professional organizations in each location. In addition each section includes a thorough examination of the historical political economic and social framework of journalism in each country that looks towards the future of journalism education and media in Europe. European Journalism Education will be an asset to scholars of international communication studies and to media policy makers around the world.

European Media Governance
The Brussels Dimension
Media Governance today is shifting media rules and regulations from national government policies to local regional national multinational and international ones and away from exclusively governmental domains to others such as market professional and public interest/pressure groups. Many media-related civil society organisations are based in Brussels operate at a European level and influence exactly the part of Media Governance that has escaped the national shackles of the member states. But which are those organizations and who do they represent? Which are the relevant EU regulations for the different media industries that they try to influence? How do they participate in the media related debates in the different EU institutions? What are their major position papers? What is the current state of affairs in the European Media Governance relevant to their industry and what are the future issues that they are trying to tackle early enough at a European level? Finally how are their lobbying efforts coordinated with other political professional and public interest groups?
This book presents the work of ten of these European organizations from a variety of media sectors as well as the relevant work of the European Commission the European Parliament and the European Consumers Association.

Educating Artists for the Future
Learning at the Intersections of Art, Science, Technology, and Culture

European Media Governance
National and Regional Dimensions
A multitude of factors affect how the European media industry is governed including commercialisation concentration convergence and globalisation. George Terzis’ collection European Media Governance is the first volume to concentrate on analysing and explaining how European countries are slowly conceding control of the media from the government to the market professional and public forces.
This impressive volume provides a detailed examination of all aspects of media governance including media ownership structures government policies citizen’s organisations and union’s accountability systems for 32 European countries. European Media Governance includes recent research into technological developments and provides sources for more information in each country. In addition to this incredibly diverse scale of research and analysis the book provides a companion website with regular updates. Terzis’ European Media Governance addresses all aspects of media governance in Europe reflecting contemporary developments in both the countries analysed and their media creating a comprehensive and reliable source.

Engineering Nature
Art and Consciousness in the Post-Biological Era

European Identity in Cinema

European Culture and the Media
We are witnessing a dynamic reshaping of the European 'mediascape'. This has been underway for more than a decade since the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 the growing impact of globalisation and the birth of new technologies and new media or the convergence between old and new media. A new and more intense 'mediatisation' of society and everyday life is emerging. This is happening alongside the rapid reconstruction of the cultural and economic landscape of Europe itself. In this transformation the communicative and ideological dimensions the digitalisation of technology and changes in culture - 'the imaginary' the discursive universe of politics and communication are all crucial areas for research. The cultural industries (film television books magazines entertainment and music) but also the world of news actuality 'infotainment' and the internet are key areas for the study of what we may begin to understand as a changing European culture in all its complexity and with all its differences and conflicts. The media and the cultural industries are among the fastest growing sectors in the global economy.

European Culture and the Media
We are witnessing a dynamic reshaping of the European 'mediascape'. This has been underway for more than a decade since the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989 the growing impact of globalisation and the birth of new technologies and new media or the convergence between old and new media. A new and more intense 'mediatisation' of society and everyday life is emerging. This is happening alongside the rapid reconstruction of the cultural and economic landscape of Europe itself. In this transformation the communicative and ideological dimensions the digitalisation of technology and changes in culture - 'the imaginary' the discursive universe of politics and communication are all crucial areas for research. The cultural industries (film television books magazines entertainment and music) but also the world of news actuality 'infotainment' and the internet are key areas for the study of what we may begin to understand as a changing European culture in all its complexity and with all its differences and conflicts. The media and the cultural industries are among the fastest growing sectors in the global economy.