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Intellect Performing Arts Collection 2025

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Collection Contents
1 - 20 of 26 results
Applied Theatre Research
Applied Theatre Research is a peer-reviewed journal featuring leading insights from practitioners and scholars navigating power, pedagogy and complex contemporary contexts. The journal aims to interrogate theatre that grapples with topics including, but not limited to, incarceration, political debates, social action and dissent, health, globalization and decolonization, development, education, neo-capitalism and climate issues. Equally vital are contributions that capture joyful, beautiful and hopeful artistic encounters.
The editors invite practitioner accounts, scholarly articles and hybrid visions for new and radical futures from established and emerging practitioners and scholars moving the centre.
Intellect is honoured to be publishing its first ever open access journal, Artifact: Journal of Design Practice. Since its first publication in 2007, Artifact has focused on practice-based design research and aims to explore conditions, issues and tasks pertaining to design development in a broad sense. As an international design research journal, Artifact targets the global design research community with the aim of strengthening knowledge sharing and theory building of relevance to design practice. All articles and research notes are subject to double-blind peer-review.
The journal is cross-disciplinary in scope and welcomes contributions from all fields of design research including product design and visual communication, user experience, interface, and service design as well as design management and organization.
Choreographic Practices
Choreographic Practices operates from the principle that dance embodies ideas and can be productively enlivened when considered as a mode of critical and creative discourse. The journal provides a platform for sharing choreographic practices, critical inquiry and debate.
Dance, Movement & Spiritualities
Research into spirituality receives comparatively little attention in western dance practices but Dance, Movement & Spiritualities provides a platform for those practitioners and researchers who are actively and creatively working with spirituality at the centre of their practice/research. Contributions are invited from across disciplines.
Drama Therapy Review
Drama Therapy Review (DTR) is committed to documenting and disseminating drama therapy research, promoting scholarship about drama therapy theory and practice, encouraging interdisciplinary dialogue, and providing a forum for lively debate in the field. DTR profiles and critically reflects upon current and emerging practices involving the intentional and therapeutic uses of drama and performance in clinical, educational, community, organizational, and research contexts.
Dramatherapy (DJ) is an established international journal that presents the most recent developments in the field of dramatherapy theory, practice and research, and promotes the advancement of the profession worldwide. It provides a platform for dynamic dialogues with related disciplines whilst encouraging critical, open, diverse and creative thinking.
Global Hip Hop Studies
Global Hip Hop Studies (GHHS) is a peer-reviewed, rigorous and community-responsive academic journal that publishes research on contemporary as well as historical issues and debates surrounding hip hop music and culture around the world, twice annually.
Indian Theatre Journal
Indian Theatre Journal (ITJ) is the first international journal on Indian theatre. It is committed to publishing a wide range of critical and scholarly approaches to various aspects of Indian theatre and performance from their social, political, cultural, economical and diasporic contexts through academic essays, plays, production reviews, interviews and other important performance events in India. The journal hopes to bring together current intellectual debates and artistic practices not only in theatre but also in other corresponding areas such as dance, music, arts, aesthetics and culture, which will bring together the wider context of the confluences and correspondence between philosophy, performance and culture in India. This double-blind peer-reviewed journal aims at creating an international platform for scholars, critics, playwrights, actors and directors of Indian theatre to present their work through cutting edge research and innovative performance practice. In addition, the journal is keen to explore the recent developments in intercultural theatre, theatre anthropology, performance studies and Indian and South Asian diaspora across the globe.
International Journal of Community Music
The International Journal of Community Music publishes research articles, practical discussions, timely reviews, readers' notes and special issues concerning all aspects of Community Music. The editorial board is composed of leading international scholars and practitioners spanning diverse disciplines that reflect the scope of Community Music practice and theory.
International Journal of Disney Studies
The International Journal of Disney Studies examines the Walt Disney Company, a media conglomerate that impacts our global culture. This peer-reviewed journal draws from a variety of academic and industrial lenses, perspectives, methods and fields, while providing a space for scholars to present new research, review current research and comment on wider Disney commodities.
For more information, or to submit to the journal, please contact the editors.
Twitter: @IJDisneyStudies
IJDS is affiliated with the Disney, Culture & Society Research Network and supported by Texas A&M University-Commerce.
International Journal of Music in Early Childhood
International Journal of Music in Early Childhood is an interdisciplinary forum directed at the empirical study of music in early childhood, or pre-birth to age 8. The journal welcomes research-based contributions from fields, such as music education, music therapy, community music, psychology, ethnomusicology, anthropology, sociology, history, philosophy, childhood studies and social work, that are concerned with diverse aspects relating to music in the lives of young children.
International Journal of Music in Early Childhood is published in partnership with the Early Childhood Music & Movement Association.
Formerly published as Perspectives: Journal of the Early Childhood Music & Movement Association, 2006-2018 (ISSN: 2375-3374, Online ISSN: 2375-3382).
Journal of Adaptation in Film & Performance
Adaptation, or the conversion of oral, historical or fictional narratives into stage drama has been common practice for centuries. In our own time the processes of cross-generic transformation continue to be extremely important in theatre as well as in the film and other media industries. Adaptation and the related areas of translation and intertextuality continue to have a central place in our culture with a profound resonance across our civilisation.
Journal of Applied Arts & Health
The Journal of Applied Arts & Health publishes peer-reviewed art-based research and serves a wide community of artists, researchers, practitioners and policy-makers evidencing the effectiveness of art as the mode of inquiry and evidence within the interdisciplinary use of arts in health and arts for health. It provides a forum for the publication and debate within an interdisciplinary field of arts in healthcare and health promotion. The journal defines 'health' broadly, which includes physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, occupational, social and community health.
Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices
This journal focuses on the relationship between dance and somatic practices, and the influence of this body of practice on the wider performing arts. The journal will be aimed at scholars and artists, providing a space for practitioners and theorists to debate the work, to consider the impact and influence of the work on performance, the interventions that somatic practices can have on other disciplines and the implications for research and teaching.
Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies
JIVS provides a forum for scholarly and practice-based engagement with voice as a phenomenon of communication and performance, and a methodology or metaphor for analysis. This peer-reviewed journal draws on an interdisciplinary series of lenses, including cultural studies, critical theory, performance studies, inter-culturalism, linguistics, visual culture, musicology, architecture and somatics.
Journal of Music, Technology & Education
The Journal of Music, Technology and Education (JMTE) explores the issues concerning the use of technology in music education. It examines pedagogy at all levels and across genres such as composition, musicology, performance and music production. It is the only journal specifically dedicated to the educational aspects of music technology and the technological aspects of music. Peer-reviewed, with an international editorial board, JMTE aims to draw its contributions from a broad community of educators, researchers and practitioners who are working closely with new technologies in the fields of music education and music technology education.
Journal of Popular Music Education
The main aims of Journal of Popular Music Education, especially initially, will be iteratively to define the parameters of the field and disciplines of its readership and contributors (especially with regard to other journals in popular music and music education), this being an emerging field of scholarship and practice. The other principal aim will be to disseminate excellent critique and other forms of scholarship (e.g. phenomenological) in and related to the field. The journal will have an inclusive, global reach. 'Education' and 'popular music' are terms that we expect to be stretched and problematized through rigorous examination from multiple international perspectives.
Metal Music Studies
Metal Music Studies is the journal of the International Society for Metal Music Studies.
The aims of the journal are:
• To provide an intellectual hub for the International Society of Metal Music Studies and a vehicle to promote the development of metal music studies;
• To be the focus for research and theory in metal music studies – a multidisciplinary (and interdisciplinary) subject field that engages with a range of parent disciplines, including (but not limited to) sociology, musicology, humanities, cultural studies, geography, philosophy, psychology, history, natural sciences;
• To publish high-quality, world-class research, theory and shorter articles that cross over from the industry and the scene;
• To be a world leader in interdisciplinary studies and be a unique resource for metal music studies.
Performing Ethos: International Journal of Ethics in Theatre & Performance
Performing Ethos is a refereed, interdisciplinary journal which considers ethical questions relating to contemporary theatre and live performance. Global in scope, it provides a unique forum for rigorous scholarship and serious reflection on the ethical dimensions of a wide range of performance practices from the politically and aesthetically radical to the mainstream.