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Communicating chaos: New perspectives on VUCA
  • ISSN: 2001-0818
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VUCA discourses often get stuck in describing VUCA phenomena and their effects. The experience of a nonlinear world characterized by unpredictability, uncertainty and unplanability is commonly foregrounded at the expense of contemplating VUCA as an opportunity for systemic change. Too little attention is paid to concrete action strategies that help to move from situational analysis to deep understanding and proactive change planning. In this context, especially in the management of companies but also in political as well as civil society organizations, there is a constant challenge of remaining capable of acting under maximum uncertainty. In my commentary here, I describe my own path as an organizational coach from knowledge and understanding of VUCA to developing practical approaches to action and behavioural choices. I introduce a conceptual model of VUCA as a positive facilitator that aims at delivering effective principles whose claim is to be practical. I do this from the lens of a professional advisor whose focus is on encouraging, enabling and empowering.


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