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Volume 9, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2042-7875
  • E-ISSN: 2042-7883


deconstructed’ documents the research and animation production processes of artist-filmmaker Richard Squires’s debut feature . Part creative documentary, part essay film, the work utilizes a number of distinct techniques to interrogate the voice casting of American actor Paul Lynde as a series of Hanna Barbera villains in the late 1960s: an animated anti-hero Clovis – designed by Squires and animated by Elroy Simmons – who re-enacts alleged episodes in the life of the actor; a curious game show featuring specialist opinions from the worlds of animation, neurology, history and criminology; archival and documentary materials that reveal Lynde’s real-life circumstance. ‘ deconstructed’ considers how sexuality is coded and performed by animated characters; Hollywood’s legacy of villainy; the relationship between the actor’s real-life circumstance and his animated roles; Hanna Barbera’s motivations in casting the closeted actor and the experimental strategies employs to disseminate this research.


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