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Latin-American Performance, Activism and Public Space
  • ISSN: 2042-793X
  • E-ISSN: 2042-7948


This article analyses a series of works by contemporary Brazilian artist Virginia de Medeiros, that derived from her exposure to the struggles of the Movimento dos Sem Teto do Centro de São Paulo (MSTC) (Movement of People Experiencing Homelessness in the Centre of São Paulo). A social movement led by women, the MSTC fights for the right to adequate housing. Medeiros’s works result from her coexistence with socio-economically deprived individuals and communities and racially and sexually marginalized groups. It embodies the politics of affect and economy of care of a feminist practice that involves solidarity, respect and the acceptance of difference. In this article, I argue that her works forge affective alliances, mutual trust and friendship, thus affirming new subjectivities and reconfiguring the real by drawing on desire and fiction.


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