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The Uniform: Symbols of Power, Propaganda and Organization in Popular Culture
  • ISSN: 2050-0742
  • E-ISSN: 2050-0750


It is through superhero costumes that heroic identity is established. Superhero clothing, such as masks, capes and bright colours, not only establishes the superhero narrative but also plays a vital role in the superhero’s identity as distinct from other superheroes, but also from the general public. It is through costume that superheroes are distinguished with many immediately recognized across and on multi-platforms. However, in recent years, western societies have been described as transitioning into a post-heroic era. This article will analyse how superhero costumes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) have adapted and mutated in recent years to discuss our changing understanding of heroism. This article will explore how the shift from ‘costume’ to ‘uniform’ reflects superheroes becoming part of a formalized and organized governmental unit, considering the role of heroic agency and the superhero’s moral responsibility for their actions. By focusing on costumes and uniforms, this article will discuss how heroic identity is becoming more fluid, and good and evil are no longer presented as binaries or absolutes. The nuanced and flawed superhero characters facilitate to create distinction, and this is reflected in their dress. The article will consider the ways in which such ‘human’ flaws facilitate an identity through dress that gives the character agency.


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