Photographic public sphere: Identity building with vernacular photography | Intellect Skip to content
Volume 12, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1757-1898
  • E-ISSN: 1757-1901


The foundation of the article is based on the notion that self-disclosure is one of the most significant factors of contemporary vernacular photography. Argued through conceptual analysis and real-life examples, the role of self-disclosure is analysed in relation to the somewhat institutionalized functions of vernacular photography: (1) preserving memories, (2) maintaining and creating new social relationships, (3) self-presentation and (4) self-expression. The article sheds light on the widespread use of cameraphones and how the role of self-disclosure differs notably within the four chosen functions, since its absence among private photographs contributes to personal and unique memories; and within shared photographs, it defines how people want to be seen by others and themselves. The benefits and challenges of private and shared photography are also evaluated.


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