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Volume 12, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1757-1898
  • E-ISSN: 1757-1901


Educational and cultural television is an audio-visual medium that seeks to bear an impact on the knowledge, the attitudes and the values of an audience. This text introduces the CREA TV platform as an informal educational and socializing audio-visual instrument and describes the development of the documentary Miguel Hernández 360° made in 360° video. Two objectives are pursued through this: first, to introduce 360° video production as a means to use format to engage the audience and to foster the assimilation of contents; on the other hand, to teach values. To identify its effects, this experience was tested with secondary school students. The results of the analysis suggest that this 360° video has an impact on the connection between the viewer and the story due to its immersive character and sense of presence during the viewing of the documentary, as well as on the understanding and assimilation of the information it contains.


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