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Volume 12, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1757-1898
  • E-ISSN: 1757-1901


Hybridization permeates all fields of communication: documentaries are no exception. One example is by Forensic Architecture (FA), an audio-visual account of how 63 refugees lost their lives in 2011 when their ship was adrift in the waters of Libya. combines documentary techniques with data analysis and visualizations to expose a tragedy, change migration policies and sustain court cases. Based on critical data and documentary studies, this article inspects the methodological hybridization proposed by FA in six documentaries. The questions are: how does FA hybridize? What are the outcomes of this hybridization? What is hybridization today? The analysis links these documentaries’ characteristics with functions and outcomes, offering a taxonomy that can be employed beyond this study. The findings indicate that activism is taking multidimensional forms, blurring the boundaries separating documentaries, data science and art in search of impact.


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  • Article Type: Article
Keyword(s): activism; big data; documentary; human rights; hybridization; methodologies
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