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Volume 13, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 2040-4344
  • E-ISSN: 2040-4352


Narratives of migration can be without movement. When people are suddenly internally displaced, for example, they become non-citizens in their former home countries and are unable to move, much less leave. In instances such as these, we suggest that it may be a temporal – rather than spatial – displacement that has occurred. In so doing, we examine one aspect of temporal displacement: the perpetual state of waiting as a potential tool of bureaucratic control. This is a tool that operates along an axis of hope and anxiety in what may be an attempt to keep people exactly where they already are. This state of waiting appears throughout (), a translated and fictionalized novel written by Egyptian author Basma Abdel Aziz. As illustrated here, Aziz’s novel challenges notions that migration inherently involves progress, and instead shows what can happen when both time and movement seemingly come to a still.


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