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Volume 6, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2040-4689
  • E-ISSN: 2040-4697



The experiential knowledge of practice resides within the practitioner and is out of the immediate reach for other researchers. Only when practitioners have an intrinsic motivation to research and make their practice explicit can their embodied experiential knowledge reach an outside audience. The present case study is an attempt to access and understand such experiential knowledge in the act of throwing clay on a potter’s wheel. To enhance her tactile sensitivity and awareness, one of the researchers has thrown porcelain clay blindfolded for five days. Her experience has been documented and reflected upon through diaries, a Contextual Activity Sampling System (CASS-Query) and videos that include thinking aloud accounts. The findings reveal that the researcher was able to articulate her tactile experiences and share her experiential knowledge to a greater degree than before. Patterns in the making, such as dividing hands into categories of active and perceiving, and metaphorical language use were identified that may be of value in an educational setting. Feelings were acknowledged as major contributors to risk assessment and decision-making in the material problem-solving process. We propose the multimethod approach developed through this study for researcher-practitioners to capture and analyse their sensory experiences and experiential knowledge of a making situation when researching their practice.


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