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Volume 17, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1751-1917
  • E-ISSN: 1751-1925


This article presents a remarkable conversation on revolutionary critical pedagogy and critical global citizenship education between Peter McLaren, one of the leading scholars of contemporary critical pedagogy, and Emiliano Bosio, guest editor of . McLaren’s copious work as a distinguished professor in critical studies at the Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies (Chapman University), as co-director and international ambassador for Global Ethics and Social Justice (Paulo Freire Democratic Project), as co-founder of the Instituto McLaren de Pedagogía Crítica, Ensenada, and as Professor Emeritus at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) offers insights, perspectives, concerns and outlooks that bring to the centre of international educational debates relevant thoughts through which we can better understand the complex roots and history of global and local citizenship particularly in relation to notions of critical theory, critical pedagogy, Paulo Freire’s pedagogy, Marxist humanist philosophy, ethics of solidarity, social justice and liberation theology.


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