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Volume 4, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 2057-0384
  • E-ISSN: 2057-0392



The rupture as a drawing-in of experience constructs perspectives on architectural education, as an act of architectural discourse proper in order that architectural education might facilitate the learning of how to draw-in experience as a process. This paper unpacks material engagement theory from the vantage of drawing and elicits three levels of engagement; of action, object and meaning together with a fourth proposed here, that of experience. It goes on to follow a student-led project using rupturing as a methodological approach to understand the role of drawing and the four aspects that influence practitioners: the act of drawing as a means to illuminate fields of learning as distinct paradigms of design strategies; the process of drawing as a strategy of architectural work; the construction of a drawing process and Learners Journey as a sequentially mapped out procedure of work; and the experiencing of drawing in broadening the context to develop a new terroire or theory of drawing. These four aspects of drawing evidence an emergent theory and methodological approach in using drawing to engage with cultural and architectural conversations, materially. Through the process of rupture, this text positions drawing at the heart of a reframing of the interactions with things and experiences of material agency and material imagination through the act of drawing. Rupturing as a method therefore offers the potential for significant and insightful opportunities in understanding the role of drawing and its ability to further MET theory's main aims. The paper also puts forward the notion that the role of drawing more broadly may sit along materiality, material turns and its techniques to interact into and through a wider anthropological study of drawing as a comparative study in the materiality of art; the way drawing affects our learning, our thinking and our understanding of culture and matter.


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