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Drawing Disobedient Bodies
  • ISSN: 2057-0384
  • E-ISSN: 2057-0392


Drawing inspiration from Samuel Beckett’s , this essay explores the conceptual and creative energies that shape its creation. By immersing in the text, it seeks to engage both intellect and hand in the process of being moved by this literary work. Adopting a free-associative approach, the aim is to capture, through drawing notations, the aporetic space of the novel – a dynamic field marked by disruption and loss, yet interspersed with moments of fluidity and connection. A pivotal aesthesis shapes this contemplation: When technical proficiency seems elusive, how does one rediscover kinaesthetic intelligence?


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  • Article Type: Article
Keyword(s): affect; aporia; Beckett; body; kinesthesis; notation; unnameable
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