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Postcyborg Ethics: A New Way to Speak of Technology
- Source: Explorations in Media Ecology, Volume 5, Issue 4, Dec 2006, p. 279 - 296
- 01 Dec 2006
The cyborg has moved from a science fiction icon to a tool for discussing the emerging posthuman, the proclaimed next stage of human evolution. The claim that cyborgs now live among us is based on our unquestioning appropriation of technologies into the human life sphere. This raises questions about the role of technology and what it means to be human. This article outlines current posthuman discussions of technology through exploring Steve Mann’s discussion of postcyborg ethics. Mann describes different ages of human interaction with technology to highlight issues of how technology affects personhood and privacy. Through reflecting on his ideas about technology, a call is made for “prophetic technorealism,” a critical approach to framing humanity and technological culture.