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Volume 9, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1743-5234
  • E-ISSN: 2040-090X



The project ‘The Adriatic fish’ was conducted with 240 children from a primary school near Split, Croatia. The aim of this project was to show that children can learn and creatively collaborate outside of school, in their surroundings, by finding natural forms (of stones) on the beach. Learning how to observe and recognize the shapes around them, they acquire the skills of research and creating by combining materials (stones and wire). Throughout this project, the students learnt about the species of Adriatic fish. This project helped to develop children’s ability to observe and also encouraged their creative cooperation.

Projekt Jadranske ribice nastao je u suradnji s 240 djece iz osnovne škole pokraj Splita. Ovim projektom nastojalo se pokazati da djeca mogu učiti i kreativno surad-ivati i izvan škole, u svojoj okolini, pronalaženjem prirodnih oblika kamenja na plaži. Ucˇenjem gledanja i prepoznavanjem oblika oko sebe stječu se vještine kreiranja i istraživanja s kombiniranim tehnikama (kamenja i žice). Kroz ovaj projekt učenici su učili i o vrstama Jadranskih riba razvijajući spoznaju o bogatstvu Jadranskog mora i svog podneblja. Cilj projekta bio je razvijanje dječjeg opažanja i zajednička suradnja med-u učenicima.


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