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Volume 19, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1743-5234
  • E-ISSN: 2040-090X


This study looks at the lived experiences of Wisconsin K-12 art teachers who teach contemporary art. While research suggests that student learning is enhanced by meaningful instruction in contemporary art, more knowledge is needed to inform art education theory and practice. The study methodology was grounded in descriptive phenomenology and data included surveys, one-on-one interviews and focus group interviews, which were analysed using thematic analysis. Reported benefits of teaching contemporary art included enhanced relevance and increased student excitement and engagement. Other outcomes included the development of novel pedagogies by teachers and the increased visibility of art programmes in school and community. Challenges for teachers included the need to supplement material- and product-based lessons, the complexity of addressing controversial issues and the increased preparation time required to create original contemporary art units. Potential limitations of the study and suggestions for future research are provided.

This study was supported by the:
  • 2020 University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Faculty Development Research (Award FDR 1220)

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