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Volume 20, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1743-5234
  • E-ISSN: 2040-090X


Arts and arts-based methods are increasingly used in professional development. This study involved two artists facilitating art activities for 21 staff members from three care institutions in Finland: a nursing home, a day-care centre for individuals with dementia and an organization that supports individuals facing challenging life situations (e.g. unemployment or the need to relearn everyday skills). The primary objective was to enhance work satisfaction and well-being among staff members. Initially, the staff members displayed scepticism towards art activities, but their attitudes became more positive as they engaged in the artistic process. Interviews revealed that the activities positively impacted group spirit, improved individual well-being and inspired the staff to explore new methods in their professional roles. Many participants suggested that art activities could be structured into regular work supervision sessions in their workplaces. The findings highlight the importance of further investigating the benefits of having artists and artistic activities within care organizations.


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