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Fashion, Erotic and Photography
  • ISSN: 2050-0726
  • E-ISSN: 2050-0734


Fashion and photography are inter-related subjects within a pedagogical discourse incorporating sociological and psychoanalytical approaches. This article will focus on the radical work of Guy Bourdin, firstly considering the technical themes within his work. The article will then progress to reflect on gender and the fetish elements in the photography by thinking through Judith Butler’s theory of performativity. Elaborating on the concept of the fetish, I will then discuss modernity and analyse Bourdin’s images as a product of, and comment on modernity applying Walter Benjamin’s ideas on fashion to open wider considerations of Guy Bourdin within the disciplines of fashion, photography and beyond.


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  • Article Type: Article
Keyword(s): commodity; fashion; fetish; gender; modernity; photography
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