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Textures of Diaspora and (Post-)Digitality: A Cultural Studies Approach
  • ISSN: 2632-5853
  • E-ISSN: 2632-5861


Sibylle Berg’s novel (2019) deals with profound structural changes that are directly linked to the growing digitalization and datafication of our world. Together with a strong neo-liberalism, this has provoked severe grievances, which have in turn led to important migratory movements. Berg lays this situation out thanks to the characters of the novel – most of them are migrants or have a migrant background. They have experienced different kinds of discrimination and social exclusion that hinder their integration into the host society. The frustrated yearning of many migrants for recognition interestingly becomes apparent in the lack of opportunities for self-representation through digital media, which are described as powerful tools that reinforce and (re-)produce stigmatizing discourses. In addition, the novel shows how mass datafication allows the almost complete surveillance of all citizens. Nevertheless, the main characters in the novel try to resist this total control by choosing a different kind of digital diaspora, which means a retreat to an exclusively analogue life – an impossible endeavour.

This study was supported by the:
  • REC-LIT: Cultural recycling: Trans literatures (Award RTI2018-094607-B-I00 (MCI/AEI/FEDER, UE))

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