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image of Capitalism on a bun: Profitable reconciliations and fast-food chicken sandwiches


Simple restaurant menu choices speak to more complex practices and processes. This study uses fast-food chicken sandwiches to understand the way in which capitalism reconciles apparent contradictions profitably. Capitalism has been conceptualized as a system riddled with contradictions, but it is also characterized by synthesis. There can be harmony – and capital accumulation – in juxtaposition. A qualitative analysis of trade journal articles is undertaken. Scholarly sources and journalistic exposés that examine industrial-scale chicken production are also examined. These publications feature information about specific products, restaurant chains and the fast-food industry overall. Thematic analysis and a contrapuntal reading of texts are used to identify patterns across the data. Fast-food chicken sandwiches, it is argued, are the outcome of a series of profitable reconciliations. These reconciliations encompass a series of seemingly contradictory tendencies that exist in tandem and in a manner conducive to making money. The disconnect that many North Americans experience with respect to the production of their food can be counterbalanced with the various connections addressed in this article. There is connection in the context of disconnection. Knowledge of the reconcilable qualities of capitalism enhances understanding of the crucial connections that structure the production, distribution and marketing of chicken sandwiches. Fluency with respect to capitalism and its complexities are helpful to those seeking to create economic value as well as promote more profound societal change. A single fast-food restaurant item can be emblematic of a series of connections. Through products of the commercial hospitality industry, one can achieve a deeper understanding of the functioning of capitalism. Comprehending hospitality contributes to efforts to comprehend the wider world.


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