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Volume 6, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2056-6522
  • E-ISSN: 2056-6530


Immunocompromised post-bone marrow transplant patients must follow a restrictive diet after discharge to avoid microbiological risks in food. Despite the apparent health considerations, these restrictions can sometimes create confusion and apprehension during home meal preparation which has a negative impact on patients’ social dining experiences with families and friends and ultimately leads to adverse health effects such as appetite and weight loss. A user-friendly meal guidebook, specifically designed to fit patient’s needs, was developed to ensure a smooth transition from controlled hospital food to home-cooked meals without compromises in food safety and pleasure. With this guidebook, the objective of this uncommon collaboration between chefs and health professionals was to provide clear instructions to the patients on their diet and adapted recipes (six starters, eight main dishes and eight desserts) easy to do and share with the whole family. This design project represents a unique approach to addressing the food and nutrition needs of these transplant patients. Thus, this article presents an example of a multi-actor collaboration between health and culinary professionals who combined their expertise to help the patients feel less marginalized after their hospitalization and to support their recovery by providing adapted recipes that they can share with their family.

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