Of monsters and women: Feminist response to gender-based violence in Galician noir | Intellect Skip to content
(Re)Producing Galician Femininities: Women’s Creative Praxis in 21st-Century Galicia
  • ISSN: 1364-971X
  • E-ISSN: 1758-9150


This article contrasts strategies of resistance to gender-based violence in two examples of audio-visual media which draw on or subvert the burgeoning genre of Galician noir; Season 1 of the TVG-Netflix hit (2018) directed by Miguel Conde and the women-centred grassroots feminist web series (2020) directed by Eire García Cid. These divergent case studies muddy the binary of female victimhood and male aggression whilst drawing attention to the hegemonic sexual politics and socio-economic systems which facilitate and endorse violence against women and girls. Yet while stands as a paradigmatic example of a socially conscious, ideologically driven artistic response to patriarchal violence, the feminist attributes of are largely trumped by commercial concerns, shown for example through the eroticization of violence. Though Galician noir has made a breakthrough on international streaming media by foregrounding women’s resistance to gender-based violence, this tends to be manipulated by the bid for viewer ratings. Fundamentally, it continues to be in alternative media where some of the most revolutionary conversations about women’s rights are taking place in the Galician cultural sphere.


Este artigo contrasta diferentes estratexias de resistencia á violencia de xénero en dúas obras audiovisuais que empregan ou subverten as convencións do noir galego; a primeira tempada de (2018) de TVG-Netflix, dirixida por Miguel Conde, e a webserie feminista de base centrada na muller (2020) dirixida por Eire García Cid. Estes estudos de caso diverxentes complican o binarismo patriarcal da vítima feminina e a agresión masculina á vez que chaman a atención ás políticas sexuais e os sistemas socioeconómicos hexemónicos que facilitan e afianzan a violencia contra as mulleres e as nenas. Porén, aínda que é un exemplo paradigmático dunha resposta artística socialmente consciente e impulsada ideoloxicamente á violencia patriarcal, os atributos feministas de vense en gran medida superados polas preocupacións comerciais, mostradas por exemplo a través da erotización da violencia. Aínda que o noir galego deu un gran avance nos medios internacionais de streaming ao poñer en primeiro plano a resistencia das mulleres á violencia de xénero, isto adoita ser manipulado pola aposta da valoración dos espectadores. Fundamentalmente, segue a ser en medios alternativos onde se están a dar algunhas das conversas máis revolucionarias sobre os dereitos da muller no ámbito cultural galego.


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