Institutional desires, individual endeavours: Contemporary Galician narrative in English translation | Intellect Skip to content
(Re)Producing Galician Femininities: Women’s Creative Praxis in 21st-Century Galicia
  • ISSN: 1364-971X
  • E-ISSN: 1758-9150


Literary translation is an essential component of international exchanges and cultural diplomacy. For minority and minoritized languages, in particular, it is not only a window to other audiences but also a source of legitimacy among their own readerships. In this sense, governments and institutions often provide funding for translations to counter the difficulties that smaller literatures have to access the competitive global market and avail of its opportunities. This article explores the current state of the internationalization of contemporary Galician narrative to the anglophone world at a moment in which the latter is experiencing a period of increasing openness to translation driven mostly by independent presses. Why is it that, despite the institutional supports in place, most Galician narrative is struggling to find readerships in the English-speaking world?


A tradución literaria é un compoñente fundamental nos intercambios internacionais e na diplomacia cultural. Para as linguas minoritarias e minorizadas, en concreto, non só supón unha fiestra cara a outras audiencias, senón tamén unha fonte de lexitimidade cara aos seus propios lectorados. Neste sentido, os gobernos e as institucións adoitan proporcionar apoios ás traducións, co obxectivo de contrarrestar as dificultades que experimentan as literaturas máis pequenas á hora de acceder ao competitivo mercado global e aproveitar as oportunidades que este lles presenta. Este artigo explora o estado actual da internacionalización da narrativa contemporánea galega no mundo anglófono nun momento no que este está experimentando un período de crecente apertura á tradución, impulsado fundamentalemente polo traballo de editoriais independentes. Por que, malia os apoios de tradución existentes, a maior parte da narrativa galega ten dificultades para atopar lectores no mundo anglófono?


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