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Volume 11, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 2040-2457
  • E-ISSN: 2040-2465


For military veterans who are integrating into civilian community settings after military service, community engagement often involves the negotiation of post-injury needs, the consideration of new roles within the family and community social structures and the transition from military to civilian life. Community-based music programmes can provide opportunities to explore new social relationships with family, friends and community members and reinforce a sense of well-being as well as inform facilitators about the different learning and health needs, particularly those leading to social isolation, of veterans and their families that may affect adherence and retention during the workshop series. This article examines the impact of participating in community-based guitar workshops using ethnographic observation, surveys and interviews with veteran participants. Longitudinal ethnographic information offers valuable insight to plan long-term arts engagement as veterans and their families transition to new communities and continue to utilize the arts as a way to provide positive peer-to-peer support.


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