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Volume 3 Number 1
  • ISSN: 1757-1871
  • E-ISSN: 1757-188X


After four decades of exploring various avenues of exchange, dance science and somatic education (somatics) face new challenges in integrating theory with practice. In earlier decades of interchange, these challenges largely revolved around finding compatibility between the somatic personal narrative and the positivist models prevalent in science. Today human movement science embraces phenomenology, neurophysiology and cognitive science, providing models for embodied learning. These fields of study have forged new pathways for dialogue and have offered new paradigms through which we can revisit and reimage long-held beliefs bearing on somatics and science in dance training. One emergent paradigm – embodied cognition – affords possibilities for integrating somatics with dance science. In this article, three academic educators raise questions bearing on the current potential for advancing the integration of somatics within dance science. They consider embodied cognition as one viable model of rigorous yet flexible study of somatics and science in dance.


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