oa Screened screens screening: Boundaries and boundary-drawing practices during COVID-19
- Source: Journal of Environmental Media, Volume 1, Issue s1, Jun 2020, p. 1.1 - 1.7
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This short piece concerns the figure of the screen as a boundary object and screening as a boundary-drawing practice during COVID-19. The screen is understood of as a surface that filters, shields, protects, conceals, mediates, intrudes and on which images can be projected and made visible. This text links together and thinks through various instantiations of the figure of the screen, such as digital screens and face masks. In so doing, it makes visible the ways in which the digital, affective and embodied screens and screening practices shape the perception of and response to COVID-19 in various contexts, as well as the multiple and often contradictory ways in which boundaries of spaces and bodies are materialized and undone.