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Games, Books and Gamebooks
  • ISSN: 1757-191X
  • E-ISSN: 1757-1928


Both role-playing game tie-in novels and adventure modules are little-studied and under-theorized topics. Whereas a tabletop role-playing game as a medium is participatory, interactive and narratively open-ended, the novel presents a fixed narrative. When a module is adapted into a novel, this forms a certain tension. This article examines the novels (Reid 2001) and (Kidd 1999), adapted from modules of the same names, and the ways that they engage in dialogue with the original texts, as well as how they form a part of the greater realized world of . These ways include cartographic storytelling and the logic of unfolding (Caracciolo 2019) in how the mapped areas of the module are presented to the novel’s reader, as well as the palimpsest, the doubled pleasure (Hutcheon 2013) of experiencing two texts simultaneously.


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