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Volume 5, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2057-0341
  • E-ISSN: 2057-035X


This practice-research (PaR) piece proposes autobiophony (vocal autobiography in/through voice) as both a new area of research for interdisciplinary voice studies practitioner-scholars and a distinct methodology for probing the interconnections of selfhood, narration, performativity, intersectional positionality and voicing. Using as a point of departure the PaR performance-lecture , devised by the author, this Voicing interrogates the makings of the polyvocal self as monophonic chorus. The I-voicer of the PaR piece is examined as both constitutively plural and communicatively dialogic (but never resolved as either), enacting a complex dramaturgy of belonging. Framed by a working manifesto on autobiophony, the Voicing below is itself composed in a way that invites autobiophonic engagement by the reader-listener and proposes suggestions for using autobiophony as pedagogy, performance analysis tool and research methodology.


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