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‘Ways of Writing in Art and Design II’ Part 2
  • ISSN: 1753-5190
  • E-ISSN: 1753-5204


The past few decades have seen conversations around code and language exponentially intensify, with the advent of social media – X/Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook – and artificial intelligence, ChatGPT and so on. In this article, Ami Clarke makes the case for artists’ publishing as a site of affective experimentation that emerges from very specific human and technological assemblages throughout history. A posthuman reading reveals the unreliable narrator, the unstable text, fluidity and multiplicity and other emergent properties, indicative of a subjectivity that emerges in synthesis with its environment, revealing artists’ publishing as a radical site of change. This article focuses specifically on publishing as process – the idea of processual works that critique through their production and distribution, and that come out of the frameworks inherent to publishing and early networked culture, and hence the dissemination of ideas central to this.


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