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- Source: Maska, Volume 28, Issue 153-154, Mar 2013, p. 20 - 31
- 01 Mar 2013
The article considers a number of outdoor “unplugged” performances in relation to questions of performative intimacy and spectatorial distance. Distance is examined in relation to structures of report from far away, or with respect to the “prospect” of landscape architecture. Intimacy is examined with regard to structures of hospitality and recent theory on ecological interdependence. The “unnatural horizons” of seventeenth-century landscape and theatrical architecture inform an argument on the place of “nature” in the imaginary of the performances discussedČlanek obravnava vrsto »izštekanih« predstav na prostem v luči vprašanj uprizoritvene intimnosti in gledalske distance. Slednje se loti v zvezi s strukturami porocanja na daljavo in v zvezi z »razgledom« krajinske arhitekture. Intimnost razišče z ozirom na strukture gostoljubnosti in novo teorijo ekološke medsebojne odvisnosti. »Nenaravna obzorja« krajinske in gledališke arhitekture sedemnajstega stoletja oblikujejo argument o mestu »narave« v imaginarijih obravnavanih performansov