f Ethics-propelled functioning under the strain of questionable criteria
- Source: Maska, Volume 30, Issue 175-176, Nov 2015, p. 2 - 3
- 01 Nov 2015
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This editorial offers a short commentary on the criteria of the Public two-year tender of the Slovenian Book Agency (Javna agencija za knjigo Republike Slovenije / JAK) for the selection of executors and co-funding of cultural projects in the field of books for the period of 2016–2017, namely: “Significance and the role of the applying journal in Slovenian culture and journal production”, “Significance of the proposed book publication project for the enrichment and development of Slovenian book market”, “Presentation of the planned activities for ensuring public accessibility of the applying journal and its promotion”, and “Presentation of the plan of activities to ensure accessibility and promotion of the book publication project”.