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Volume 7, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 2045-6298
  • E-ISSN: 2045-6301



This article analyses the moving portraits and the gazes of a female lowland gorilla named Triska in the film Visitors (Reggio, 2013). By examining the formal qualities of her filmic portrayal and the biological and emotional affects that portraits and gazes potentially have on the human viewer, I propose that Triska’s gazes create a ‘cinema of sentience’ that not only represent Triska as a sentient being, but affect an awareness of her sentience and subjectivity. I argue that Reggio’s filmic portraits of Triska do not position the viewer as superior to her – our gazes do not conquer or consumer her, and they do not sentimentalise her – rather, her gazes serve to equalise her for the viewer at the level of representation and affect by encouraging the audience to experience a sense of affective empathy for the gorilla and her subjectivity, and to feel the sentience of the non-human other. In the filmic encounters with Triska, humans become aware of both their humanity and their animality, producing affective moments where biology and philosophy collide – an affective encounter that questions our cognitive philosophical assumptions about what it means to be human and what it means to be animal and simian.


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