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Volume 8, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 2052-3998
  • E-ISSN: 2052-4005


This article presents an analysis of the feminist artistic practices that some bands are adopting through metal music to show how their approaches are linked to a tradition in the history of feminist art. For this purpose, I addressed these feminist metal bands to demonstrate how their practices align with feminist and artistic pedagogies that evolved during the 1970s women’s liberation movement. I examine how artists, like second-wave feminist art groups, create an integrating framework that transcends the scope of art, managing to simultaneously convene and attend to various personal and social processes, based on a reflection substantiated on social group theory, feminist art, feminist pedagogies and ritual studies. Similarly, I highlight and differentiate their specific strategies by analysing their practices in order to understand, on the one hand, these feminist bands as a powerful relational device, which I have termed ‘coven bands’, and, on the other hand, the set of their practices as a didactic action of feminist resistance for personal improvement and social justice. Therefore, I will show how coven bands – whose name is a metaphor that evokes a gathering or circle of witches – are both a collective critical conscience and a multifunctional platform where several of life’s processes can be conjured up, such as relational learning, mutual help, psycho-emotional healing, creativity, empowerment and social action simultaneously.


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