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New Directions for Photography in the Pacific
  • ISSN: 2050-4039
  • E-ISSN: 2050-4047


Outlined with this report is what is known regarding a significant donation of photographs received by the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA), Cambridge, in 2010. The photographer was Jutta Merensky, later Jutta Gethen (1911–96). Information available at present indicates that she visited the Pacific twice or more, probably in 1961 and over 1968–69. Several hundred transparencies and prints now cared for in Cambridge feature landscapes, ceremonies, people and daily activities in Aotearoa New Zealand, Samoa, French Polynesia and elsewhere and notably include a sequence of (tattooing) photographs from Samoa.


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  1. Anon. (1954), The Mercury (Hobart), 19 March.
  2. Anon. (1958), ‘Deutsche Seidler am Kap’ (‘German settlers at the Cape’), Die Zeit, 4 July, n.pag.
  3. Anon. (1961), ‘Berlin in Afrika’, Schlesische Bergwacht, no. 33, p. 606.
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  4. Hofmeyr, Justus (2021), e-mail to author, 26 February.
  5. Hofmeyr, Justus and Hofmeyr, Carol (2009), e-mail and personal communication, December.
  6. Mallon, Sean and Galliot, Sébastien (2018), Tatau: A History of Sāmoan Tattooing, Wellington: Te Papa Press.
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  7. Merensky, Jutta (1938), ‘Lebenslauf’, 19 February, Hoover Institution Archives, ‘Jutta Merensky’, Box 355, Personnel Files, Deutsche Kongress-Zentrale records, Stanford, CA: Stanford University.
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  8. Thomas, Nicholas (2014), Body Art, London: Thames and Hudson.
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