The ‘conscience of duty’: The National Broadcasting Service of Portugal and the Spanish Civil War | Intellect Skip to content
Volume 20, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1476-4504
  • E-ISSN: 2040-1388


During the Spanish Civil War, radio went from being a simple musical loudspeaker to being used as a combat weapon. Through radio broadcasts both sides confronted each other to persuade public opinion or to increase the morale of their troops and allies. In this context, Salazar’s Portugal, to legitimize the in Spain, used all its diplomatic and media resources, among them the National Broadcasting Service (the Emissora Nacional; EN), which during the war came under the dictator’s cabinet. Simulating an apparent neutrality in its national broadcasts, the EN disseminated an intense propaganda against the Madrid government abroad. This work aims to delve into the less known aspects of EN during the conflict, such as the strategy of its international broadcasts or its collaboration with European anti-communist organizations in the service of General Franco’s interests.

This study was supported by the:
  • FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology (Award PTDC/COM-JOR/28144/2017)

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