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Volume 20, Issue 1-2
  • ISSN: 2050-4837
  • E-ISSN: 2050-4845


This article analyses the spatial logic of the Argentine film / (2009) directed by Mariano Cohn and Gastón Duprat by using Marc Augé’s categories of place and non-place. In the film, neighbours Leonardo and Víctor fight over the building of a window in Víctor’s apartment that will face Leonardo’s home and modern architecture exemplar, the Curutchet House – a house built by renowned architect Le Corbusier. The tension between Leonardo and Víctor can be better understood as a tension between the global and the national, and how their particular perspectives match how they see the Curutchet House itself, either as non-place or place. The article proposes the non-place/anthropological place entanglement as a useful tool to understand how subjects interact with a given space, and how such interactions can be read as favouring one type of relationship or another, or , in practices of textual critique. Reading , this article pays close attention to how the protagonists, Víctor and Leonardo, occupy space in the film, whether as place or non-place, and read this contingent relationship as a commentary on the tension between the global and the national.


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