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Volume 8, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1477-965X
  • E-ISSN: 1758-9533


This article suggests an assembly of ideas collected from transdisciplinary areas that in integration can potentially cast light on the role of affect and feeling in aesthetic experience. The article takes up a well-known philosophical quest to define the nature of aesthetic experience, but seeks out new territories of explanation that rest upon principles of rhetorical integration across a seemingly ambiguous landscape of separated theories, and under a dynamic, connective observatory perspective. The aim of the article is thus to suggest a rhetorical design integrating results from the fields of neuroscience, biosemiotics, medical theory and philosophy of art, which could potentially result in an extension of traditional understandings of the roles of affect and feeling in processes of communication. I see the space of installation art, based on new technology and science, as a possible laboratory for the speculative mind, to which such investigations could be successfully related. I find that contemporary installation artworks can if successful induce an activation of processes intrinsic to the bodymind, which can bring forward new imaginations, new metaphors and extended self-understandings.


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  • Article Type: Article
Keyword(s): affect; biosemiotics; bodymind; design; technoetic art; virtual information
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