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Themed Issue: ‘On Modes of Participation’
  • ISSN: 1477-965X
  • E-ISSN: 1758-9533


Sara Ahmed’s enquiry on what it means for sexuality to be lived as oriented from the work inspired the art series ‘A Sexual Series’, based on post-humanist theory and asexual experience. Shapes of performative alter egos materialized from a queer cyborg position of technologically enhanced crip experiences (the strong symbolical constructing process of scoliosis surgery). From being a glitch of the past towards a post-individualist future, the artificial intelligence sexbot is a metaphoric, elevated cyborg drag version of the artist to embody asexuality and queer Otherness. Based on multitudes of CUNTraDICKtions to encourage self-reflection, the series explores the complexities of ob/scene and on/scene performances; the position of a sex positive asexual as well as questions of belonging as a naturally artificial rebel.


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  • Article Type: Article
Keyword(s): AI punk; asexuality; cyborg drag; futurism; post-humanism; sexbot
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