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The International Student Experience in New Zealand: Connecting Research and Practice
  • ISSN: 2397-7140
  • E-ISSN: 2397-7159


With increasing student mobility continuing to impact on the provision of educational services across the world, even more importance is now placed on positive intercultural interactions with and between international students and members of the host community. However, despite nationwide policies encouraging these interactions in New Zealand, limitations in the design of school structures and implementation of school practices have in some ways hindered the integration of international students and led to examples of separation instead. To illustrate these aspects, and using the acculturation strategies of separation, integration, marginalization and assimilation as an analytical framework, this article draws on data collected from 131 international students and 24 teachers at an international school in New Zealand. A snapshot is provided of where international students are positioned in the acculturation process, and further discussion focuses on two school-wide activities: Orientation, which is mandatory under the , and Cultural Week. Findings indicate that the espoused intentions of these practices were perceived differently by teachers and students. This article, therefore, suggests that for international students to achieve well academically and to integrate successfully into New Zealand, they must be provided with a high level of continued quality pastoral care services before, upon and after arrival.


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