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The International Student Experience in New Zealand: Connecting Research and Practice
  • ISSN: 2397-7140
  • E-ISSN: 2397-7159


This study explores the everyday living experiences of five Vietnamese postgraduate students in New Zealand, employing an interpretative phenomenological analysis approach. The analysis revealed one minor theme that captures the students’ preparations before coming to New Zealand and one overarching theme that focuses on living arrangements and circumstances. The students were ill-prepared for their lives in New Zealand, which contributed to the difficulties encountered. They were shocked to find that their studies and lives were affected by accommodation arrangements, which forced them to learn to cope with unfamiliar issues. The overarching essence is that a variety of factors (e.g., familial, cultural and gender factors) influenced the students’ experiences. However, drawing on traditional, cultural values, the students could overcome these difficulties. The study has implications for host universities to assist students in coping with the harsh reality of everyday living issues, including having a roof over one’s head.


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