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The International Student Experience in New Zealand: Connecting Research and Practice
  • ISSN: 2397-7140
  • E-ISSN: 2397-7159


The purpose of this article is to explore to what extent international students may be affected by a lack of study/work-life balance or study-work-life balance amongst those who study (full-time) and work part-time. International students tend to face more pressures due to usually lacking a support network, at least for some time once arriving in the host country. Such pressures may be financial or social and may be due to a lack of awareness of host country norms and regulations or due to language barriers. An online survey informed by work-life balance theory was completed by 42 international students. The findings from the analysis of responses were that while most respondents were satisfied with their study-work-life balance, some although managing overall, faced pressures. A key finding was that the students managed due to the student visa condition restricting employment to a maximum of twenty hours per week. This seems to have helped respondents to focus more time on their studies, however, may add to financial pressures or put international students at a disadvantage over their domestic peers in terms of gaining work experience. Further, findings have uncovered that although working while studying provides additional pressures, it creates benefits through the ability to build a support network.


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