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- Volume 32, Issue 3, 2019
International Journal of Iberian Studies - Volume 32, Issue 3, 2019
Volume 32, Issue 3, 2019
The President's dilemma: The Portuguese semi-presidential system in times of crisis (2011–16)
Authors: André Freire and José Santana-PereiraAbstractEconomic crises and foreign interventions cause political actors to face a dilemma between responsiveness towards their electorate and responsibility vis-à-vis international institutions. In this article, we analyse how a seldom studied political actor in international affairs (the Head of State in a semi-presidential regime) dealt with this dilemma. We focus on Aníbal Cavaco Silva's (former president of the Portuguese Republic) discourse, and use of veto and constitutionality examination request powers in the 2011–16 mandate, and on his attitudes regarding the access to power of pro- and anti-austerity political forces in the aftermath of the 2015 legislative elections. We conclude that the Head of State was more concerned with international responsibility than with domestic responsibility and responsiveness, especially at the behavioural level, although he occasionally acted in ways that toned down this feature of his presidential mandate. We therefore suggest that in times of severe crisis the political conditions that usually partly explain variations in the use of the presidential powers in semi-presidential regimes interact with short-term factors related to the crisis that can reduce or even cancel out their effects.
ResumoAs crises económicas e intervenções estrangeiras fazem com que os actores políticos enfrentem um dilema entre a responsividade face ao eleitorado e a responsabilidade perante as instituições internacionais. Neste artigo, analisamos o modo como um actor político raramente estudado em assuntos internacionais (o Chefe de Estado de um regime semipresidencial) lidou com esse dilema. Focamos o discurso de Aníbal Cavaco Silva (presidente da República Portuguesa) e o uso de poderes de veto e de verificação da constitucionalidade no mandato de 2011–16, bem como as suas atitudes em relação ao acesso ao poder de forças políticas pró e anti-austeridade após as eleições legislativas de 2015. Concluímos que o Chefe de Estado preocupou-se mais com a responsabilidade internacional do que com a responsabilidade e responsividade domésticas, especialmente ao nível comportamental, embora ocasionalmente tenha agido de maneira a atenuar este aspecto do seu mandato presidencial. Sugerimos, portanto, que em tempos de crise severa, as condições políticas que geralmente explicam parcialmente as variações no uso dos poderes presidenciais em regimes semipresidenciais interagem com factores de curto prazo relacionados com a crise, que podem reduzir ou até cancelar os seus efeitos.
An international perspective on Spanish socialism: The role of the British Labour Party in the rise of the PSOE, 1974–77
More LessAbstractBetween 1974 and 1977, the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (Partido Socialista Obrero Español) (PSOE) went from a weak and fragmented organization to become the second most voted for party. At a time when international solidarity among socialist parties was common, and when the globalization process was becoming increasingly apparent, transnational influences and support played a crucial role in the PSOE's remarkable political growth. Nevertheless, most scholars define the Spanish transition to democracy and its internal developments, which include the PSOE's rise, as a successful self-made product. Only Pilar Ortuño, and more recently Juan Carlos Pereira, have conducted in-depth research into international influences as a key factor in this process. The objective of this article is twofold: to assess the role of the British Labour Movement in the development of the PSOE and its syndicate, the Workers' General Union (Unión General de Trabajadores) (UGT), and to determine to what extent the Labour Movement was responsible for the impressive political growth of the PSOE. In this sense, this article seeks to move beyond and expand on the studies of Ortuño and Pereira by including the role of the British Labour Government in the PSOE's political rise.
ResumenEntre 1974 y 1977, el Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE) evolucionó desde una agrupación de constitución débil e internamente fragmentada hasta convertirse en el segundo partido más votado del país. En una época en la que las muestras de solidaridad internacional entre partidos socialistas eran habituales, y el proceso de globalización comenzaba a ser un hecho, es evidente que las influencias y apoyo transnacional hubieron de ser cruciales para este notable ascenso. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios consideran el desarrollo interno de la Transición española a la democracia, incluyendo el crecimiento político del PSOE, como una cuestión que obedeció únicamente a factores domésticos. Tan solo Pilar Ortuño y, más recientemente, Juan Carlos Pereira, han investigado las influencias internacionales como un elemento clave en este proceso. El objetivo de este estudio es, por un lado, evaluar el papel que desempeñó el Movimiento laborista británico en el desarrollo y ascenso político del PSOE y su sindicato coligado, la Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT); y, por otro, determinar hasta qué punto puede considerársele responsable de este crecimiento. Este artículo, además, ampliará las conclusiones obtenidas por los estudios de Ortuño y Pereira mediante la inclusión del papel del Gobierno laborista británico en el proceso estudiado.
Gender and nursing in Portugal: The focus on men's double status of dominant and dominated1
Authors: Maria Helena Santos and Lígia AmâncioAbstractThis article presents a study that sought to identify the gender dynamics prevailing in a health-related context of tokenism – nursing – in which the members of a dominant group in society – men – are proportionally scarce. Specifically, this study aimed to consider how men experience their integration into a feminized profession. Furthermore, the individual experiences and professional dynamics were placed in perspective with the results of other studies focusing on male populations in high-status professions, in particular medicine, to analyse the intersectionality of status and power. This study involved individual, semi-structured interviews with twelve male nurses, aged between 40 and 58 years, from across the six existing nursing specialties in Portugal. Analysis of the results, obtained through the Alceste software and thematic study carried out according to the social constructionist perspective in gender studies, indicates that tokenism dynamics interweave a double power asymmetry: the professional asymmetry between male doctors and male nurses, and the gender symbolic asymmetry between men and women. In the nursing profession, this double asymmetry proves beneficial to male nurses.
ResumoEste artigo apresenta um estudo que procurou identificar as dinâmicas de género predominantes num contexto de tokenism relacionado com a saúde – a enfermagem – em que os membros de um grupo dominante na sociedade – os homens – são proporcionalmente escassos. Especificamente, este estudo teve como objetivo considerar como os homens vivenciam a sua integração numa profissão feminizada. Além disso, as experiências individuais e as dinâmicas profissionais foram colocadas em perspetiva com os resultados de outros estudos centrados nas populações masculinas em profissões de elevado estatuto, particularmente a medicina, de modo a analisar a interseccionalidade do estatuto e do poder. Este estudo envolveu entrevistas individuais, semiestruturadas, com 12 enfermeiros do sexo masculino, com idades compreendidas entre os 40 e os 58 anos, das seis especialidades de enfermagem existentes em Portugal. A análise dos resultados, obtida através do software Alceste e da análise temática realizada de acordo com a perspetiva social construcionista nos estudos de género, indica que a dinâmica do tokenism cruza uma dupla assimetria de poder: a assimetria profissional entre médicos e enfermeiros e a assimetria simbólica de género entre homens e mulheres. Na profissão de enfermagem, esta dupla assimetria revela-se benéfica para os enfermeiros.
Repression, solidarity, and a legacy of violence: Spanish anarcho-syndicalism and the years of 'pistolerismo', 1919–231
More LessAbstractDuring the First World War, the Spanish Labour Movement gained steadily in strength, and by 1919 the CNT (National Confederation of Labour) had over 700,000 affiliates. However, the ascendance of the anarcho-syndicalist movement met with severe government repression, especially in Catalonia. In November 1920, the authorities unleashed an all-out offensive against the CNT, arresting members and ordering raids of union offices. Shootings between anarchists and the hired guns of the employer class occurred with increasing regularity, and anarchists were frequently arrested and tortured by the authorities. Whilst acknowledging the difficulties that militants faced during these years, and the damage that the violence did to the movement in the long term, this article assesses the ways in which militants resisted the repression, and the symbolic importance that the anarchist action groups assumed for militants in later struggles.
ResumenDurante la Primera Guerra Mundial, el movimiento obrero español fue fortaleciéndose continuamente, y para el año 1919 la CNT (Confederación Nacional del Trabajo) contaba con más de 700,000 afiliados. Sin embargo, el crecimiento del movimiento anarcosindicalista provocó una acérrima represión gubernamental, sobre todo en Cataluña. En noviembre de 1920, las autoridades desencadenaron una guerra sin cuartel contra la CNT, deteniendo a sus miembros y saqueando las oficinas de los sindicatos. Tiros entre anarquistas y los sicarios contratados por los empleadores ocurrían cada vez más frecuentemente, y las autoridades detenían y torturaban a anarquistas a menudo. Aun reconociendo las dificultades a las cuales los militantes se enfrentaron durante estos años, este artículo analiza las maneras en que los militantes resistieron la represión, además de la importancia simbólica que los grupos de acción anarquistas asumieron para los militantes durante luchas posteriores.
Blood Wedding in (re)translation
More LessAbstractThis article is a comparative study of four different translations into English of Federico García Lorca's play Bodas de sangre (1933) carried out in the United Kingdom and Ireland throughout the 1990s. Since the publication of Antoine Berman's seminal article on 'retranslation', this theoretical concept has provided a fecund framework for descriptive translation studies, illuminating the variety of solutions translators provide when confronted with the same original text. This article furthers that body of scholarship while simultaneously providing new angles on Lorca's dramatic work. The comparative approach to several English translations of this classic work concentrates on two key scenes of the play and discusses the linguistic, pragmatic and theatrical adequacy of each translation.
ResumenEste artículo es un estudio comparativo de cuatro traducciones al inglés de la obra Bodas de Sangre (1933) de Federico García Lorca que fueron llevadas a cabo en Irlanda y el Reino Unido a lo largo de la década de los 90. Desde la publicación del influyente artículo de Antoine Berman, el concepto de la 'retraducción' se ha constituido como marco teórico fecundo dentro de los estudios de traducción de carácter descriptivo. Este término ha servido para ilustrar la gran variedad de soluciones que proponen diferentes traductores frente al mismo texto original. Este artículo se suma al conjunto de estudios en retraducción, a la vez que ofrece nuevos puntos de vista sobre la obra dramática de Lorca. El enfoque comparativo de las diferentes traducciones en inglés de este clásico se concentra en dos escenas centrales del conflicto dramático discutiendo la idoneidad de las decisiones lingüísticas, pragmáticas y dramáticas de cada traducción.
Volumes & issues
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