Mediatization of corruption cases in Indonesia through comics journalism in Tempo magazine | Intellect Skip to content
image of Mediatization of corruption cases in Indonesia through comics journalism in Tempo magazine


Corruption in Indonesia is a never-ending and pervasive issue, as the numerous cases prove. Many public officials, businesspeople and private parties have been involved and found guilty in corruption trials. The verdict of the judges’ panel against the accused of corruption cases in Indonesia did not dampen the enthusiasm of several corruption perpetrators who were incarcerated at Sukamiskin Prison in Bandung. This research aims to examine the construction of news in the comics journalism format in magazine, specifically focusing on how corrupt behaviour in the form of bribery committed by criminals in Sukamiskin Prison is portrayed. This analysis is motivated by the mediatization theory, which is further supported by the mediatization of journalism. This research uses a semiotic-material approach that analyses comics journalism texts with a focus on elements of symbolism, timing and frames. The research found that mediated the news about bribery by grafters in Sukamiskin Prison through elements of comics based on journalistic practices. The mediation effort consists of two distinct stages: firstly, journalists on the field engage in the work and, secondly, the composer of the comic constructs the mediation.

This study was supported by the:
  • Telkom University Bandung (Award $328)

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