Hacking education: Arte Útil as an educational methodology to foster change in curriculum planning | Intellect Skip to content
Politicizing Artistic Pedagogies: Disciplines, Practices, Struggles
  • ISSN: 2042-793X
  • E-ISSN: 2042-7948


Artworks operating at the intersection of art and education often attempt to challenge dominant education systems in suggesting alternative pedagogical models that could function outside the official academic realm, proposing radical changes to the latter. However, the lack of continuity of alternative education models implemented by artists and curators within universities’ art and design departments fails to provide a longer-term change. This article stems from our research on the , a recent shift from spectatorship to usership according to which artists and curators tend to create art projects which situate themselves as part of a broader usership. Using an autoethnographic approach, we will analyse how the principles of the art group Arte Útil intersects with the undercommons. Hence, we explore how they apply an alternative method, through participatory curriculum planning, as a tool for change within the institution of education.


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